“Sonder” Animated Short Film

For years, Finn and Natalie walked the same path. But when their time together comes to an end, Finn finds himself lost in a mysterious land. Paralyzed by the fear of moving on, he is at risk of losing himself. Through self-discovery, Finn must gather the strength to forge a new way forward. https://vimeo.com/253571683 Writer … Continue reading “Sonder” Animated Short Film

Step-by-Step : How to Make an Animated Movie

The production pipeline of a typical animated short or a movie can be divided into three stages : pre-production, production and post-production. In this article we will be discussing these three key stages in detail. Pre-Production The first process in the animation pipeline, and also one of the most important, is pre-production. It begins with … Continue reading Step-by-Step : How to Make an Animated Movie

What is 3D Modeling & What’s It Used For?

3D modeling is a technique in computer graphics for producing a 3D digital representation of any object or surface. An artist uses special software to manipulate points in virtual space(called vertices) to form a mesh: a collection of vertices that form an object. These 3D objects can be either generated automatically or created manually by … Continue reading What is 3D Modeling & What’s It Used For?

Animator Job Description and Information

An animator creates an extensive series of images that form the animation seen in movies, commercials, television programs or video games. He or she typically specializes in one of these media and may further concentrate on a very specific area, for example, characters, scenery or background design.  Animators typically use computer software to do their work. … Continue reading Animator Job Description and Information

The best 3D modelling software 2018

1. Blender The superb animation Big Buck Bunny was made using free 3D software tool Blender If you're serious about 3D but struggling to afford software, then you're in luck. Blender is a free, open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems. Started by Blender Foundation founder Ton Roosendaal back in 2002, Blender is now … Continue reading The best 3D modelling software 2018

9 Best Animation Software for Beginners

What is the best animation software to use? This is the most common question asked by the students learning animation. In this blog you will learn about top 2D and 3D animation software that are mosy sought by animation students.This article will give you clear insights about best animation software for beginners. What is 2D … Continue reading 9 Best Animation Software for Beginners

Careers in Painting

Professional Painter: Career Information & Requirements From displaying paintings in a museum or art gallery exhibition to painting portraits in their own studios, some painters can make a living creating their works of art. Read on to learn more about the training, salary and employment outlook for this profession . Career Definition for a Professional … Continue reading Careers in Painting